MFI loans, deposits continue to increase

Both outstanding loans and savings deposits in 35 microfinance institutions (MFIs) continued to grow from January through to June this year, according to the latest report from the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA).

By the end of the first half of this year, total loans from MFIs reached $1.08 billion, up from $808 million at the end of 2012. Deposits in the seven microfinance institutions licensed to take them grew to $377.7 million, up from $224.7 million at the end of the last year. …

Out of the total $1.08 billion in outstanding loans, the report shows that the microfinance institution Prasac provided $301 million, Amret microfinance $174 million and $139 million came from Sathapana Limited. Hathakasekar Limited lent $113 million of the total, and AMK, the fifth largest institution, put out $69 million. …